Steven Hodson

Just Another Technology Blog

Client Certificate Renewal for the Azure AD Passthrough Authentication Agent

We recently came across an issue where the client certificate for the Azure AD Passthrough Authentication Agent wasn’t being renewed automatically. I understand that it should be renewed about 30 days out, however this hadn’t happened and we were fast… Continue Reading →

Azure Conditional Access Named Locations IPv6 Support

Named Locations in Azure Conditional Access only supports locations based on IPv4 IP address ranges. For sign-ins that are coming from IPv6 addresses where you are looking to enforce a geo-policy, you’ll need to manually add the IPv6 address ranges… Continue Reading →

Batch script to reset users home directory permissions

123@echo off for /d %%d in (*.*) do icacls %%d /setowner Domain\%%d /t for /d %%d in (*.*) do icacls %%d /reset /t

PowerShell Script to find LastLogonDate and PasswordLastSet information from Active Directory for list of computers in a text file

1234[Array]$OutList = foreach ($computer in Get-Content -Path C:\Temp\InputFile.txt) { Get-ADComputer -Identity $computer -Property LastLogonDate, PasswordLastSet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select Name, LastLogonDate, PasswordLastSet } $OutList | Export-CSV C:\Temp\OutputFile.csv -NoTypeInformation

More than one MediaPool reported for same Media

I’ve been battling with System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager for the last couple of days when trying to add a HP StoreEver MSL 4048 Tape Library connected via directly attached Fibre. I could perform a rescan and discover… Continue Reading →

Local Administrator Password Solution

I’ve worked for a number of organisations and with customers who carry out penetration testing on their computer networks. One of the common issues that is raised around penetration testing of Windows clients is that the local administrator password is usually the… Continue Reading →

ConfigMgr 2012 R2 Operating System Deployment – Failed to get client identity 80004005 – Surface Pro 3

I was on site with a customer today building some Surface Pro 3 devices using Operating System Deployment in System Center Configuration Manager 2012 R2. The devices were booting from USB Boot Media, however when searching for task sequences the… Continue Reading →

Increasing the size of the SCCM Client Cache during Operating System Deployment

Sometimes, when you have large applications to deploy during an Operating System Deployment task sequence, it will fail because the size of the SCCM Client Cache is not big enough to cache the application installation files. By default, the SCCM… Continue Reading →

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